About Us
Towards Modern India
AVTI is a part of AEIE GROUP. Through this, all courses of vocational training are run and provided throughout India. Yoga, embroidery, sewing, knitting, painting, designing, beautician etc. are being transported from cities to villages and they are being trained as well. AVTI is a platform for those people who lack of skills, yet they have not reached a good education. AVTI is providing education to common people from the backward classes and backward classes in the low cost throughout India.
AVTI (ARPAN VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE) organized by AEIE GROUP has been registered by Govt. of NCT New Delhi INDIA (Regd. No. 986). ISO 9001-2015 ~ Accredited by EGAC IAF (Certi No.- IN115321). MHRD~ Ministry of Human Resource Development (Higher & Secondary Education) (CRD No.- 7232/2019-CO/L) working in different fields of program & commercial training conducted by the State Government & Central Government to approach every classes of society.